About me

I'm a user experience designer who conducts qualitative research to support design thinking and looks at holistic workflow within a digital and human environment. I've worked in the Finance and Health industries, focusing on complex, data-driven business system applications.

Previously, I was a web designer developing direct-to-consumer/b2b communication websites and business document systems. Designing for users or customers wasn't considered, but it was in dire need. I decided to transition into experience design.

I love that the design community shares a variety of methodologies and concepts to solve specific problems. I continually discover new vocabulary and concepts among design organizations and social design groups.

When not thinking about design, I'm learning about home-steading activities such as gardening or fermenting.

Skills Map

Skill map from NNG
Number key: 1-Awareness to 5-Expert
Map to evaluate eight skills that fall into the realm of UX. The above map is my self-skill evaluation.
Source from NNG's Skill Mapping Template.

Design Applications

Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD, Invision, Adobe Creative Suite/Cloud